Wednesday, September 16, 2015

There's no such thing as secret sin.

As humans, we all sin. There is no denying that fact. As humans, we try to hide our sin. We don't want people to know what we've done or who we really are. We conceal our sin in order to save our pride (which, by the way, is a sin). We go through the motions acting as if everything is okay. We hangout with our friends, go to church, pray, read our bible. However, a good portion of the time this is just done superficially in order to appear good. In order to make our lives look good. However, when our sin comes out (in one way or another) we appear as hypocrites (in fact we are hypocrites). We try to be good and not sin, but we keep falling back into temptation. We give in and sin once again - whether this is in regards to a specific sin, sin in general, or both. The problem is that we need to be changed. Our sin, regardless of how good we are of hiding it, is all seen in its entirety by the Lord of the universe. There is also no denying that fact. If God sees sin, why do we hide it? Is God less than man? We care way more of what humans think of us and very little what God thinks of us. Christ, if you have been saved by grace, has forgiven and been sacrificed for your sin - each and every sin. No, I do not believe we need to confess every sin in front of the church or a large body of believers (although there is a time and place for that). However, it is important to confess our sins to others - close friends or family to which we can be accountable.

We need God. We need to be change by God. Repentance only comes by the grace of God. We cannot strive hard enough or try well enough to free ourselves of certain sin. What we need is to die to ourselves, die to sin, in order to let God take control and transform our lives. This is a daily (if not hourly) process of denying ourselves and proclaiming Christ in our lives.

I am not perfect, in fact I am the complete opposite of that. I struggle with sin. Sin you all can observe, sin you can't. But none of my sin is secret. That is the scary part. Every time I fail, He is the first to know about it. Thankfully, He is willing to forgive me, but I sure don't deserve it. Thanks be to God for his glorious redeeming and forgiving grace. May I die to myself in order to let Him live in me.


  1. Great post, you explained this topic well

  2. Once again, pride is an issue. It's amazing how much of a problem it is among people. And also I agree that no sin is secret. It is only secret to humans, but God sees and knows all, and it hurts Him to see us try to hide from Him. We should know that all we need is His forgiveness and love, which is willingly sacrificed Himself to give us. We need to learn to tear down our walls of pride and let God do His work in us, by first confessing our sins to be forgiven.

  3. Once again, pride is an issue. It's amazing how much of a problem it is among people. And also I agree that no sin is secret. It is only secret to humans, but God sees and knows all, and it hurts Him to see us try to hide from Him. We should know that all we need is His forgiveness and love, which is willingly sacrificed Himself to give us. We need to learn to tear down our walls of pride and let God do His work in us, by first confessing our sins to be forgiven.
