Junior folk- Ayy, don't worry 'bout senior year! You'll be fine so long as you just keep doin what your doin, unless what your doin is not what you should be doin, in which case stop doin what your doin and start doin what you should be doin. Got it. Good. In all seriousness, College next year is going to be really weird without you beautifully gorgeously wonderfully spectacularly cool people there to remind me that even the most annoying idiots can be endearing in some way. I'm kidding! I didn't find ALL of you idiots endearing... just about 99% of you. This is supposed to be positive, so I'll go ahead and say that I had a great time with y'all over the past five and a half million years. Will I cry at graduation? Probably not. Will I miss you? Probably not YOU in particular, but I might miss you... Oh I'll definitely miss YOU, but odds are not you. Do I have any advice? Nah, Devin kinda covered that pretty well, but if I were to echo something that Devin said, I'd echo the fact that our school needs leaders, people who are willing to step up and set an example for the following grades. If you guys don't step up, I'll come back to Fideles and beat all of you individually with a rubber chicken. Except for you, I like your style. Stay cool, stay good, stay happy, stay strong, and convert to Calvinism. I'll see y'all later. Peace! *edit* oh and I'm glad I had AmLit with y'all this year. That was pretty dope.
"Come back, loser! You haven't told us your favorite book yet-" Sorry, me (If you can't tell, I am pretty sick so please excuse all cringe). My libre favorito of this semester would probably be
Super serious now. I honestly love all of you guys, Seniors and Juniors alike and these next 4-8 years are going to be really different without seeing some of your faces on a triweekly basis. I've grown so much throughout this year. I've had the opportunity to get in heated conversations about all kinds of things ranging from politics to religion to senior trips to whatever you may. Each conversation and debate has caused me to sharpen and refine my opinions very greatly. This is why I encourage you Juniors to not shy away from discussion so long as friendships are not at stake. It will only be beneficial in the long run. This year I've experienced success, happiness, stress, exasperation, failure, and sadness, and I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything in the world. Senior year is great, but DO NOT GIVE UP, upcoming Seniors! There will be days when you feel like you don't want to get out of bed in the morning, but you gotta push through it because the reward that awaits you is worth it. Especially if you are working for the Glory of God, because the reward that waits for His diligent people is something which is not affected by moss and rust and cannot be stolen by thieves. This is why my favorite moment of the year was my chapel speech, my biggest request to God is the opportunity to share His truth to people who may need it. Mr. Antrobus would agree with me when I said that God has always given me that opportunity, and I am eternally grateful for it. I encourage you men to get into God's word and become the spiritual leaders that God is calling you to be. Speak in chapel, lead a small group, disciple a middleschooler, I DON'T CARE! Just be a man! Ladies, I challenge you all to do the exact same thing using your own God given gifts and talents. While you ladies may or may not be allowed to speak in Chapel, you can still be spiritual leaders in the lives of the people in the school by getting into God's word, setting an example, and discipling those who are not as spiritually mature as you are. If you have not yet put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and repented and turned away from your sinful lifestyle, then I earnestly beseech you to not waste your life and use the breath which God has so graciously given you to not curse Him, but to praise Him and call on Him to save you. Even though I'm a Calvinist, I still believe that you make a conscious willful decision to follow Christ, so please do. I will pray for all of you constantly. You are the future of the school, do not let me or the school down. ThAnKs!!!