Thursday, December 10, 2015

#instawhat? #latepost #hashtag

I don't understand a lot of social media. I really don't have time for it but also would choose youtube over instagram every time! That being said, I do think social media is a cool part of our culture as it is a way to connect with people, but I don't relate to the girls in the podcast because I don't value social media very much. I think things like instagram and snapchat are extremely overrated today and  cause a lot more grief than joy. I feel like, as a lot of young people grow up with their lives so focused on their phones, they don't quite learn how to manage real life situations without them. I just don't like it when I go out to eat somewhere and a couple near by are both on their phones the whole time! That's not real interaction! Cellular devices may be fun and trendy but real interactions are important and consist of eye contact and a distance of at most a few feet!! Anyways, lives developed on social media are lives limited to the phone screen... that's all I'm saying!

A Mindset of Thanksgiving (late post)

I'm thankful for so many things, and I definitely don't think about that as much as I should! I think it's wonderful that we have a national holiday dedicated to being thankful... But I wish I could ALWAYS be thankful ALL THE TIME! I know it is something Christ has called us to do – give thanks continuously – but I tend to focus on all the things that stress me out or make me anxious; everything I have to get done and turn in; the people I want to be there for and the people I try to please. It's truly ridiculous. Especially when I think about how much Christ has given me, and I just worry and stress about the things so seemingly important and urgent. I think we have a tenancy to do this as people. Even things like final exams (hello!) can get us down and pull our focus towards self-pity, worry, and all other types of negativity. But when do we ever stop and genuinely offer a "thank you" to our God who is always with us no matter what? After all, He is SO much higher than our problems! He is the reason for the season – well, actually, He is the reason for life! – so we should at least take time each day to thank Him for Him! I want to do more of that and pray that we all do! It's so important! My reason to be thankful is Jesus!!

Who Needs Confidence?

Transcendentalism encourages being your own person and not conforming to the world. I agree with this in that we should never strive to be like anyone else or even be jealous of anyone because God has a different plan for each of us. I think that, when we feel we aren't adequate and we begin doubting ourselves and the sovereignty of our Father, we start to wish we weren't in our own circumstances. We look at the lives of others and feel as if the answer to our own struggles lies in being like someone else. Somehow, if we are enough like another person, or people, our lives will look the same and we will get the results we think we want. Sadly, we forget that everyone has struggles and no one has it all together... Being exactly like someone else (a) is not possible, (b) is probably very creepy to the person you're imitating, and (c) diverts our focus from God and His awesome plan for us! Our circumstances can't necessarily be helped, but our character determines our reaction. A person of strong character acts with integrity and humility; someone with a weak character is fearful and prideful. Transcendentalism would like to attribute confidence and strong character to "knowing thyself" and believing in what we are capable of. The truth is, we fail too much to be dependable and shouldn't put our faith in ourselves. The true way to know ourselves and boldly chase after our purpose in life is through confidence in God... or Godfidence!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Transcendentalism in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

The popular Christmas movie, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, is a really cute example of Nonconformity ® A major tenet of Transcendentalism. Rudolph has a red nose that glows and the other reindeer make fun of him because of this; and the elf (Hermey) cannot make toys but instead wants to be a dentist and the other elves see him as a misfit. Both Rudolph and the elf don't go along with how society believes they should act and look. In the end, they realize its okay not to conform to society and being yourself is the most important thing you can do :)
Hermey: Hey, what do you say we both be independent together, huh?
Rudolph: You wouldn't mind my red nose?
Hermey: Not if you don't mind me being a dentist!
Rudolph: It's a deal!
They accept each other for who they are and don't change to be "accepted," because they find out that the very thing that makes them a misfit, actually makes them unique!

The good, the bad, and the ugly of social media (old)

Social media definitely has its perks, but I think that there is just way more negative than positive connotations around the idea of the social network. Most of us know that the original intentions of social media was to connect with people that have fallen out of touch; but today, it is not really used the same way.  Social media is used as a reactionary device. For example, people will see a news article posted on Facebook or Twitter and react by believing what they read even though they only got a snip bit of what really happened. Girls post pictures of themselves hoping for likes, follows, positive comments, and etcetera that they react to with a feeling of higher status in society.  People fall for partial truths of the snapshots that they get of other peoples lives that do not reflect reality. As long as social media does not turn into your entire world of comparing likes and unconscious reactions, then it can definitely be an amazing thing!

Dead Poets Society

In the second clip provided from the movie Dead Poets Society, the teacher explains to the boys that while doctors and science and medicine help society live, love, beauty and romance are what make life worth living. He also punctuates how each persons life provides a verse in the play of history. From a viewpoint of transcendentalism, each person's life should be simple and different from each others, creating simplicity and nonconformity.

Transparent and Transcending

The aspen among the firs shivered in the breeze. 
The middle of the Age had been reached. The period of Reminisce had begun. Aspen recalled the beginning of the Age, the forming of himself and his siblings. IT had allowed them to choose their form, but Aspen felt as if this Age was different. As his sibling chose their form, he began to step in line with them, as each continued the traditional following of the eldest. All chose the same. Aspen was the youngest. Aspen had always chosen like the others. This Age was different though. Aspen became new, and IT was pleased with Aspen. Every logical path had told him to follow, but his heart, his feeling...he knew he had chosen right to be different. The others were shocked, in fact they still hadn't spoken back to him since the beginning of this Age. But he didn't mind. Life was simple, alone, silent, but full. The solitude filled him with the music of the wind, the art IT all around, through the natural way. Aspen was surrounded by many, but all he needed was himself. Ah, the beginning of the Age, such a splendidly long time ago. The pure image of himself he had never seen, but among the likeness of the rest of the Body, the simplicity and natural form of Aspen was astounding. In and through everything, he stood. Through him you could see, but it was through him that everything could be seen. Aspen was different. Alone. Sentimental. But Aspen was transcendent, and existence was simple in this form.

How to Conform in One Easy Step.

Let me know if anybody can relate to this: I parked the car, turned the engine off, grabbed my keys, exited the car, and closed the door. I sighed as I realized the distance that I was about to walk. "I can't believe the only available parking spot was two and a half miles away from the seminar!" I grunted to myself. Whether or not I believed it, the place was packed; apparently the big game was scheduled for the exact same day. "This is what I get for leave five minutes late." I sighed again and exited the full parking garage. The sidewalk crowded with people who, like me, had no choice but to walk the long distance. As I moved with the crowd toward my building, I began to develope a slight migraine because the sun was making me shoot Arabs. I tried to keep moving while squinting, but the unforgiving rays of the sun were really starting to annoy me. I looked down and instead watched the feet of the people in front of me as I continued the arduous journey. Every so often I would glance up to see where I was, but the tyrannical sun would push me back down as though I were a disgruntled peasant on the verge of revolt. I eventually gave up the fight and allowed the sun to win the day (this time); besides the rhythmic pace of the feet in front of me was quite soothing. I allowed myself to be put in a trance as I followed this unknown person's feet. I was almost unconscious when my fellow citizen of the human race ceased his movements; I just barely stopped myself from colliding into them like some sort of intoxicated mule. "Pardon me," I muttered as I sidestepped to avoid the impending embarrassment. I finally looked up and saw the sports stadium in front of me... CRAP!!!! I had walked nearly a mile further than I was supposed to!!!! My vocabulary expanded generously at that moment as I filled the air with noise pollution. "Well... If I was going to be late before, I sure as heck am going to be now," I mumbled to myself as I began backtracking. You would not believe how much easier it was to find where I was supposed to go without the sun in my eyes. Why was the sun not in my eyes? Because it was dark by the time I realized what had happened, smh. Now that I was actually able to see where I was going, I saw the old paved trail leading to the desired building. (^Fiction)

In Dead Poets Society Robin Williams discourages the kind of behavior which I exhibited here, a type of behavior which is far too common in our culture. Often times it is too hard to look up and see the world around you and make your own decisions. I don't think it is farfetched to say that everybody has a role model who they look up to and say,"I want to be just like him/her!" I would say these are the feet that you see when you look down; their rhythmic beat is the drum beat which you march to. The direction they're pointed is the direction we move in... Transcendentalists would say that it is time to look up and make your own decisions and I would tend to agree to an extent. Transcendentalists tell us that it is time to look up and find or forge your own path. I say that it is okay to follow in the influence of somebody else, but first you have to look up and observe where the path is headed and make your decisions based on that. With all my heart I want everybody to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ and recognize Him as their Lord and Savior; however, your parent's faith isn't going to get you into heaven. Your faith has to be your own faith or else you are simply going to walk off the edge like a lemming. Don't say that you believe in God because my parents said such and such or because whatshisface said x y or z. Don't say that you don't believe in God because my friend said q r s t u and v or because this scientist over here proved j k l and m. By all means, use sources of people smarter and wiser to cement your beliefs, just don't blindly share the faith or belief or another person without exploring said faith or belief yourself. In the future when somebody asks you why you believe something or don't believe something, first give a personal answer of how you reasoned to it or, if you're a romantic, how you were emotionally drawn to it. Then absolutely give facts from other sources to support your point. This blog post was to illustrate how there is a vital tenet of transcendentalism which is ignored by the world, and how by incorporating it into our day to day lives we can truly seize the day as it truly should be seized. #dontwasteyourlife  

So, the one easy step to conform...

1, Look down...  


John Keating,The Post Apocalypse, and Walden Pond: A Transcendental Experience

I can not believe just how transcendentalist John Keating is. If he is not quoting transcendentalists he is teaching students the fundamentals of transcendental thought. I could go through each clip and explain the transcendentalist views portrayed in each, but there are going to be twenty some odd posts here about that. Instead I will go the rout of non-conformity(a major tenet of transcendentalism), the road less traveled, if you will. In this post I will be talking to you about something I realized today during one of my breaks. At around lunch time I went down to the basement to play some video games. One of the only video games I am playing right now is Fallout 4, so I booted it up and began exploring. I was looking on my map when I realized I had discovered a location called Walden Pond. Immediately recognizing the name, I traveled there to find a small pond and cabin. Fallout 4 takes place in and around Boston and it's location in-game mirrors its location in real life. For Henry David Thoreau, Walden Pond was an escape from society and is where he fostered his transcendental ideas. Somewhat ironically, in fallout 4, the pond is a radioactive waste-filled mess, and even has a sewer pipe running into it. Despite all of this, it is a very tranquil place. As I explored around the pond I climbed into the sewer. My character in the game is very sneaky and because of this the raiders inside the sewer were not alerted to my presence. As I sneaked  around their makeshift base I realized they were having a discussion about transcendentalism. After killing the raiders and stealing their loot I left the sewers and watched the sunset over the pond from the porch of Thoreau's cabin. A fitting end to a lunchtime adventure. It is interesting to think that even in a post-nuclear apocalypse that ideologies that put nature and deep thought may pervade through the war-torn irradiated wastes of society. I like to think that my character walked the road less traveled.

Contributing to the Book of Life

I found the second video interesting. He is reciting a poem that ends by asking a question and then gives this answer, "...That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." He then asks the boys "What will your verse be?" I thought this was asking what your purpose in life is and to find it. God made all of us unique so we could all contribute our own "verse" to the "book of life." It not only is trying to get us to find our purpose of life, but it makes us think that in order to do that, we have to take our own paths.


In the first video, the teacher emphasizes Carpe Diem. He talks about seizing the day, and not letting a moment go to waste. He relates this to the students of the past who are now dead. In a strange twist of events, he has them stare at the picture, and he continuously whispers Carpe Diem.
This is based off of Non-conformity and self-reliance. In essence, the teacher is telling his students to seize the day by their own, unique efforts.
The second video emphasizes non-conformity. The teacher praises poetry, one of the darlings of Transcendentalism, and tells the students that they will contribute their own, unique verse to the "play" of life.
The third video also preaches about non-conformity.  The teacher says that the students must make their own opinions by looking at the world in different ways. This also talks about self-reliance-forming one's opinions by oneself.
The last video specifically talks about non-conformity. The teacher forces three students to walk. When everyone begins clapping, they begin to walk to the same beat. The teacher denounces this as conformity, and then precedes to tell the students why they should not conform.

Purpose to live

My favorites of the videos were the "Carpe Diem" and "What will your verse be?"
I think that these apply to my life more and more every day. I always want to "Seize the Day" and make every day count, but what is my verse? What is my purpose?
I've realized that in order to seize the day, you have to have some understanding of what your verse/purpose is. If you don't know what you're supposed to do in the future, how are you supposed to make every day count towards that? Seize the day by knowing how. That's really all I got.

What will your verse be?

Dead Poets Society is a great movie. It is also the only movie that has ever made me have a panic attack while watching it but that's a different story, haha. Robin Williams character, John Kealings, is a great example of transcendentalism. The majority of his teachings follow transcendentalism but he is also an example of it himself. He does not conform to normal teaching styles and is a very unique person. He inspires his students to "Seize the day" and tells them that each one of them has the opportunity to make a difference: to add there own verse to the book of life. He made life seem simple and saying that life is about beauty, romance, love, and passion.  The aspects of transcendentalism that John Kealings teaches are very inspiring. Live every moment to the fullest, don't conform to the beliefs of everyone else, write your own story, seize the day, don't be afraid to take a different path, and look at life through your own eyes!

Stop Whining and get on with your Life

An important aspect of transcendentalism is to "seize the day". This means not stopping to whine about troubles, and instead, doing something about it. The human race vastly prefers the former.


Transcendentalism as shown in the Dead Poet's Society is the best form. In the movie the teacher does a great job of teaching his students to avoid following the crowds and start paving there own paths. This is great because God wants us to stand out in society as good Christians, not follow society in every tenet. This is especially important in today's world because many people are not Christians, and if we Christians stand out in a positive way that just might enough to lead people to Christ. Non-conformity is definitely the best principle of Transcendentalism.

Seize the Day

In the first video it shows an example of Transcendentalist because the boys in the clip are told to seize the day. They are told to not let your life go to waist because they are told that one day they will stop breathing and die.  They are to make most of their life and fulfill their life and make it a worthy one.  I describes Transcendentalist  because one of the views of it is to not let your life go to waist but to make sure it is full.  


When I was little, all I did was want this or that; but as I got older, I realized that it is not about what I want. And so this mind set helped me to really focus on others because I know that I already have all I need and I am so grateful for all the Lord’s blessings. It is the little things in life that make my friends and family smile and cheerful and it makes me so happy to see them happy! And that is what I am thankful for, the good times with people I love. Life is so much more enjoyable when you start to realize that you already have all you need.

Dead Poets society

In the first clip, Robin Williams as John Keating, explains to the boys that they should seize the day before it is too late.  He shows them pictures of boys their same age, who have now passed away, to motivate them.  Carpe diem, or seize the day, is a transcendentalist idea.
A tenet of transcendentalism in today's culture is self-reliance.  It can be observed everywhere.  People today don't ask or feel the need for help, they believe they can "survive" on their own.  The idea of a self-made millionaire comes from this aspect of transcendentalism.  


There are very few aspects of Transcendentalism that I agree with. Self-Reliance, Importance of Nature, Favoring Intuition over Reason, and Simplicity..... I don't need to rely on myself. I know I fail. I can only rely on God. Sometimes other people are even more reliable than myself. Nature is important, yes. But nature is not to be the focus of humanity. God, the creator of nature, is to be the focus. Reason is way more important than intuition, and why be simple when I've been given the ability to be so complex. One of the only aspects I agree with is the concept of nonconformity.

It is not good to be conformed to the world. It is also not good to never be in conformity. Routine and habit are good. They are to be regarded and if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If something works well, you shouldn't find a different way to do it. In this sense, one should be conformed. However, Paul says in Romans 12:2, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." In this case are we to not conform. We should not be like the world. As Christians, we should look different. We should be living like Christ, which is against what the world sees as normal. Even in other extra-biblical senses it is good to be different. Simply trying to fit in is not good. My thoughts on nonconformity are very much dependent on context. I currently have no time to discuss this due to studying for finals and writing papers.

Transcendentalism in Culture

The Dead Poet's Society has many different themes of transcendentalism in it. The boys' teacher encourages them to take their own grand stances in life and pursue the road less traveled by. Our culture also cherishes these same sentiments of transcendentalism- of non-conformity and individualism. I recently wrote my cause and effect paper on the rise of dystopian fiction and the genre is riddled with tenets of transcendentalism. Protagonists of dystopian fiction value breaking away from societal norms and dystopias tend to represent the suffocating standards of society. One reason that I believe dystopian fiction is so popular is because it echos the messages that society is already saying. Many of the radical societal changes that have recently happened stem back to transcendentalism- "listen to your heart", "be true to yourself", "march to the beat of your own drum". Our need to be connected has drowned in our desire for individualism, as we begin to embrace the ideas of transcendentalism again.

You don't know me... You don't know my story

Dead Poet's Society has ideas of transcendentalism all through out the movie. Robin Williams stars as  John Kealings, an English teacher in a boy's boarding school. He persistently stresses to his students to make their own and have their own opinions; no matter how silly they be or what other people might think. He encourages them to think outside the box and look at things through different perspectives. Kealings pushes them to be original; to be who they are and not stray from it. Overall, he doesn't want them to go out into the world and follow the mainstream. Different is good, and that is all that he wants his students to be. He wants him to have the drive to "seize the day" and be an example to the rest of the world. Transcendentalism is all of these: nonconformity, self-reliance, and intuition over reason.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dead Poets Society

Well, we couldn't watch Dead Poets Society in its entirety, but I want you to see how the principles of Romanticism and Transcendentalism pervade the film.The film takes place at a traditional, restrictive boys' boarding school in 1950s New England. An iconoclastic teacher encourages the students to read poetry and express their individuality with both inspiring and heartbreaking results.

Watch the clips below and discuss how they demonstrate Transcendentalist ideas. You may also comment on other examples of Transcendentalism in pop culture. An example would be Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," which has messages of non-conformity. Remember that the major tenets of Transcendentalism are Nonconformity, Self-Reliance, Importance of Nature, Favoring Intuition over Reason, and Simplicity.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Social Media

No, I really can't relate to those girls. I do enjoy social media as a way to interact with your friends, but obsessing over every comment and like seems a bit much. Oh well. I would much rather receive one true compliment in person than 23 fake ones on instagram. I'm not saying all the comments are fake, but from what the girls were saying in the podcast, it seemed some people have different intentions for commenting than to lift you up. I believe social media is a cool thing that you can use with your friends, but it needs to be "moderated" in the sense that you are not stressing about it.

Not so secret sins (old)

James 5:16: "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed

When is the last time you confessed a sin to someone? Did you apologize to that girl for gossiping about her to your friends? What about that guy that you passed a rumor on to somebody else about?
It is more than likely that these people have no clue you were even involved in these acts.

The truth is that we all sin. Everyday. Even though not all of our sins our out in the open for everyone to see, God still sees all of them. And one day, we will be judged for everything we did here on earth. It is important to remember that God knows our hearts, and sees all of our actions, so we must try every day to live as He would want us to live and to turn from the sinful temptations that confront us every day.

Can you guess who I am? (old)

I wait in the cold surrounded by a bunch of my brothers and sisters. We are a big family, all of us have the same shape, but some are taller, some are shorter, some are fuller, and some are skinnier. After a few days of waiting, a little boy and his father choose me. I am put on the roof of the man's minivan, and we all ride off into the wintry sunset together. When the car finally stops, I am carried into a big warm house. There, I am given pretty accessories to wear. I shine brightly as all who walk by admire me.

Who am I??

Oh, Florida... (old)

Breaking News: "Florida Man Attacks Karaoke DJ Over Mic Sound, Police Say."

Breaking News: "Florida Man Dressed as Ronald McDonald Robs Local McDonalds Restaurant".

Breaking News: "Florida Man Bitten By Shark Kills it and Eats it as Revenge".

Can you guess which one of the above headlines is fake???

I lived in the Sunshine State for about 6 years, and I never knew anyone that was crazy enough to be in any of these headlines... These guys probably took one too many seagull pecks to the noggin!

I'm Thankful For...

What am I thankful for? If I were to write out the entire list, it would probably be long enough to wrap around the world--twice. So I will just stick with naming a few of the many things God has so graciously blessed me with.

I'm thankful for a safe place to live, and a family who supports me and my dreams. I'm thankful for the kind of friends who will spend an entire day helping me get ready for a pageant that they aren't even in; the kind of people who will call me on the way to my house and say that we are going on an adventure. I'm thankful for a boyfriend who encourages me in everything I do and who constantly makes me want to be the best person I can be. I am thankful for a country in which I can be anything I want to be, a place where I can work to make my dreams become a reality. I am thankful for a God who will never leave me.

What I think about Social Media (old)

Don't get me wrong, I like social media. And I really like instagram.

But as I was reading through the first part of the interview with the young girls and the radio station, I realized that I was a lot like them when I was 12 and 13 years old. I too absolutely loved to get those adoring complements from my friends when I would post selfies (and if you are honest with yourself, you probably did too).

The posting of selfies on IG and seeing people comment things like "You are so gorgeous!" and "You are perfect!" were extremely encouraging when I first started out on Instagram. I think it's awesome that people like to post positive things about girls' looks on social media. However, there is a side-effect that comes along with all the superficial praise. When the ultimate goal is to receive a bunch of "you're pretty" comments, young girls begin to feel like they have to post THE perfect picture of themselves EVERY time. When the picture isn't the single most attractive picture they have seen of themselves, it gets deleted. When the picture doesn't get as many likes or comments as the last post, young girls immediately panic, like you saw during the interview when they started to worry that not enough people would be awake to see the photo. Waiting around for people to comment on pictures that "you're pretty" or "hot" is dangerous. Pretty soon, young girls may find themselves ONLY posting pictures to get those types of comments, and when they don't get them or don't get as many as they thought they would, they can start to feel insecure.

I think it's important to remember that you are worth something because you were created by the King of Kings, not because you can take a nice photo of yourself. Don't get me wrong, it's ok to post pictures that you think you look good in-- I do it all the time-- and it's ok to take compliments too. But here's the thing that most young girls are missing out on: someone else telling you you're beautiful is not what makes you beautiful. In other words, you don't need someone else calling you pretty to make it true. A person is beautiful because God makes beautiful things, and not mistakes. That is something not enough young girls seem to know these days.

Lady Gaga and Transcendentalism

I think that Lady Gaga's song Born this Way is an excellent example of transcendentalist ideas in American pop culture. The main tenets of Transcendentalism expressed in this song are: nonconformity and self-reliance. The main idea of the overall song is to be yourself and love who you are because you were created by a God who doesn't make mistakes. The theme of nonconformity is mentioned throughout the song, especially in the lyric, "I must be myself, respect my youth". The self-reliance is seen in the part of the song where she says, "Don't hide yourself and regret, just love yourself and you're set." This song is all about loving yourself because you were created perfectly just the way you were created, a very positive theme that acknowledges God, while putting an emphasis on man.


Ok, so I only have instagram, so that is what I will be writing about.
I used to use instagram daily. I would check it at least ten times a day. It became an unconscious effort whenever I was bored for a minute. Also, I felt obligated, I am not sure by what, exactly, to post every so often. On top of that, I would scroll down through a long line of pictures every time I looked at my phone.
It progressed to the point where I lacked perspective. I had been using Instagram long enough to forget what my free time looked like without at least once initially "checking" the site. Eventually, I began to be transfixed with Instagram.
Finally, a couple months ago, a rare instance occurred. I showed my father a picture of a girl who had taken a selfie (I rarely showed Instagram to him) to discuss how her makeup style was a bit too heavy, in my opinion. He took my phone and stared at the picture for a minute, shaking his head. He wasn't looking at the girl's makeup, like I was. He was still shocked by the fact that she was sharing a picture of herself simply to accumulate compliments.
I had heard people talk about how selfies were "self-absorbed," but I had never paid it much mind.
But when my father shook his head and scrolled further down my feed, looking at more and more pictures, he simply shook his head and said, "Self-absorbed."
At first I didn't understand what he meant, but he went on. "They think that the whole world wants to see a picture of their face. They're doing this to receive compliments. That is something, when I was a kid, we would never have done."
You see, my father had perspective that I did not. He had not looked at countless pictures on Instagram until he nodded his head and drank the cool aid.
Now, don't get me wrong! I think selfies are cool every so often (and I use them!) My father was referring to a constant stream of selfies from one person.
Ever since that day, however, I began to reflect on Instagram. I tried to make a list of things that it truly contributed to my life. The list came up rather short.
So I began an experiment. I started using Instagram less and less. I have not posted in about two months, and I rarely check it anymore. At first, it was a bit hard to stop using it frequently. Now, however, I have found more perspective. I still think Instagram is very fun (!), but I have stopped seeing it as a little "world" of its own.
In the podcast, the girls are wholly absorbed with how many people liked their photos. Now, as one scrolls down through posts, one rarely puts much thought in what one likes. Yet, these girls are treating the "off-hand liking" of a photo as a life or death situation. I believe that these girls simply lack the perspective to use Instagram as fun app but not allow it to take over their lives.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Times have changed

Social media has gained more and more influence on people in the past couple of years.  Some people use it as a fun way to stay connected to friends and family, but others use to shape their image.  Using social media in this way can be dangerous because of the things people can say from behind the safety of a screen.

A Different World

Social media is often viewed as lesser than or inferior to face-to-face interaction. In our modern age, however, social media is a good way to socialize when you don't want to go out, or if you're busy with something else. You can't always go out to talk to someone. The only social media I personally use is the Steam service, which allows me to chat with other gamers I choose to friend.

Connected or...?

I never really used social media up until high school, but I almost wish I had never started using it then. Yes, it's fun, and like Alex I use Tumblr and Instagram for mostly art. My instagram is more personal, but it's not as much self-worth as it is a hobby. I find that instead of drawing or painting, I'll go on either of those and waste my time on there when I could be doing something more substantial with my time. After I end up spending more time than I wanted doing and looking at random things, I regret it and wish I had done the other thing I had planned. Using it to be connected with your friends is good, but I find I feel so much better with a phone call or a visit. It's your actual friend, and not just a name on the screen. Social media has become such a big part of our lives it's hard to ignore it or put it away, since then you would feel out of the loop. But, as I try more and more to put it away, and do something real, I find I am more satissfied with my accomplishments than I would be wasting time.
This is a great video. Ya'll have probably already seen it but I love it.

I hate the name "social media"

Mostly I hate the name social media because it makes me think of boring middle aged people complaining about this generation as if their generation didn't ruin the economy.
Ye I have social media. Mostly I use tumblr because the point of it isn't to post pictures of yourself or update people on your life. It's just reblogging pictures and text posts about random things like anime or hockey. At least that's what I use it for. I only got an instagram because Nicki made one for me. Now I use occasionally it to post pictures from trips or my plants. Not really for selfies. Of course I have those one there but that's not really what i use it for. Also I follow mostly artist....Instagrams? I don't know if that's what you call them but yeah. I follow tattoo artists and photographers who post staged photography and hockey instagrams. Lots of hockey. That's why I have a twitter too. Just to follow hockey. Sometimes to complain to the void but mostly so i can keep up with hockey. So no I don't feel the same as those girls. I don't care who likes my stuff. Of course it's nice when people comment on it but I don't put much stock into it. To me social media if a fun way to stalk your friends but people shouldn't care too much. Get over yourself. It's not a bad thing though. I've made friends through social media who genuinely care about me and I love knowing them. Social media is cool and if you don't think so you're probably a middle aged loser who thinks all teenagers are lazy and ungrateful. Fight me old people.

Also here's a video that explain's how I feel about social media in general:

social media or bust

I must admit that I do spend a lot of time on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter... I like it, it's entertaining, but it can also affect how my life is lived. Like Hannah, I spend a while trying to figure out which filter/quote all fit together for that "perfect" instagram post. It is sometimes about the amount of people that will see it, but personally I think it's fun. I don't think social media is more bad than good or vice versa. I feel like it's all in moderation... If you spend every waking hour on social media, odds are it's bad for you, but if you only check it once or twice a day just to see what's going on in the world, then hey, I don't blame you. I suppose it's all in the eye of the beholder whether it's bad or not. It has its pros and its cons, it all depends on how we individually treat it.

I Can't Relate to those Girls at All

I don't really spend that much time on Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus (only social medias I use) so I can't say that there is anyway that I can relate to them on that level. However, I do understand that strong desire for approval from your fellow man; infact, I'm willing to say that anybody and everybody in their right mind suffers from this, it's a base human instinct programmed by our intelligent designer. When I was in Eighth Grade my self esteem was at an all time low (big surprise), because I was seeking a level approval and attention that I wasn't getting. At the time I felt like I was the tragic hero, the persecuted victim who could never get his way, but now I know that the only reason I was in that rut was due to my own selfishness and pride. Yes, pride. How can self esteem issues and pride go hand and hand? For me personally, I thought that I deserved more praise and respect than what I was getting. In other words, I had this image of myself in my mind which was elevated to a level that was way too high. As my life went on, this image was proved to be false, so that very same image went from being on a high pedestal to on the ground groveling from approval. The title of this blog post says that I can't relate to these girls at all... I lied. Well, I didn't lie, but I didn't think too much about this blog post before I started writing. The only difference between me and those girls is where and how we sought out that respect. They searched for it in their bodies and beauty, I searched for it in my sense of humor. And, hey, it worked... for both of us. I began to feel more confident in my social skills (which suck), and apparently those girls are getting plenty of affirmation from their friends. But what happens when that source runs dry? Or what happens when the pride level rises again? At that point it's just doomed to fall. I continued through that cycle until I realized my problem. I valued my standing before man more than I valued my standing before God. The approval of other people is worthless in comparison to God's love. Now, when my pride is shattered, it's a humbling experience which makes me realize exactly where I was before the Holy Spirit convicted me. So now I have everything together and never struggle with pride and self esteem... lol no. It is REALLY hard to stay in this mindset, especially when you're as handsome and funny as I am. However, it is very comforting to know that I don't need to impress any of my piers to know that I have value. For this reason I feel bad for those girls who are constantly seeking out the approval and love of their family and friends, seeking to fill a void which can only be filled by one source. This is where I think my earlier comment on the base human instinct comes in; I think God created us this way so that we can realize just how much we are in need and dependent on His love. Also I think God used that part in my life to model me into the person who I am now; instead of trying to be silly just to get laughs and approval, I do it just for the heck of it! My personality is what it is because of my past experiences, and I think that is a very vivid image of God's hand in my life and how He has taken a hard part of my life and has used it for my good and His glory.

TL;DR- Jet fuel actually can melt steel beams.

My Opinion of Social Media

I am not trying to make myself look good when I say this but, I am not self centered at all. I have never taken a selfie, I have never posted a picture on social media, I generally do not care what people think of me, and frankly I have never had an Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Myspace or anything of that nature. I am also fairly reserved and I do not care to show off my life to other people. Truthfully, I would say that I do not have more than ten to twelve really good friends (I have more than twelve friends), because I would much rather communicate in person so I don't have to decipher written messages.

The reason I am telling you this is because I think social media is the reason people will say things like, "kids these days", or "what is wrong with today's generation". Social media in its essence is good and even some things like the Ice Bucket Challenge, and keeping up with family and friends are great, but most of it is a pure waste of time. People, especially young teenagers, need to spend time talking to people not typing comments to them on Social Media all the time or else they wont develop proper social skills.

Hi Im Hannah and Im a Social Media-aholic

    Okay, I'll admit I spend way too much time on social media. I don't think many people realize the amount of thought that goes into posting for some people. When I first got an Instagram account, back in middle school, I would post many times a day and most of my posts were about One Direction. As I got into High School, I would still post a lot but my posts had more meaning. Over the past year or two social media has become a much more detailed process. Instead of posting every day I began post once every couple weeks. Because I was posting less, the pictures that I posted had to be much better and the captions had to say exactly what I wanted to convey. Ill admit even in the past week I have spent over an hour looking for a quote or song lyric that fit my picture perfectly. This can be a stressful process for me and my friends. Another thing that a lot of thought goes into is an Instagram Bio. Some of you never put any thought into social media and are wondering why on earth would someone care that much. Let me explain it to you. Social media is the way that you are viewed to your friends and your peers. Have you ever wondered why no one posts ugly photos of themselves or why no one ever posts about the bad days they have? Its because of the way they want you to see them. You want to post the best pictures with the best captions to convey exactly how you want to be seen. Believe it or not, Social media has a big affect on the people you attract and the friends you make. I am considered a very social person because I am always trying to make new friends and hang out with a lot people, so social media is important in many ways to me. A lot of the friends that I hang out with and take pictures with get kind of upset with me sometimes because of social media and it actually stresses me out deciding what pictures to post. Since I only post one every couple of weeks I just try to choose my favorite pictures but a lot of the time the best pictures will be with the same people. I end up making my friends think "Why didn't she post the pic I took with her?" and then they question our friendship and wonder if my other friends are more important to me when its really all about social media.
     I made a somewhat drastic change to my Instagram because I was afraid that people viewed me and my posts as annoying. So I went back and deleted all my old annoying One Direction posts and changed my Bio. A lot goes on when someone posts a photo. If its a cute photo then of course it is expected that ten of your friends comment on how cute you look. Its not really about the compliment, like the podcast said, its much more about the friendship. If you comment on someone's photo it means that you care enough to put in the effort to comment. I know that after reading this blog post it probably sounds like I obsessively focus on what to post on Instagram but most of this happens subconsciously for thousands of teenage girls. I have just put a lot of thought into why we do what we do so please don't think I'm a crazy Instagram addict. haha

Glorifying God

    I used to not be into using social media. My friends would come over and get on Facebook on their phones and I would want to go do something instead. It wasn't until about 8th-9th grade that I started using social media, Instagram specifically. I cared so much about how many likes my picture got and how many followers I had. I definitely relied on it for boosts of confidence. It wasn't until about the end of 10th grade that I realized it doesn't matter. Just because someone doesn't like my picture, doesn't mean it wasn't a good picture or a good memory. 
    I think people nowadays use social media as a type of acceptance or approval from others. If they do not get a lot of likes on a picture or post, it makes them feel less relevant. Social Media should not be used for approval. It should be used to share the fun memories you made and to share about what is going on in your life. Searching for approval you may not even find through social media is a waste of time and that time should be allotted to God. We as Christians should definitely use social media more to glorify God through or lessen our use to spend time with God. 

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven
                                            ~Matthew 5:16

Untitled Post

I honestly don't know what to say in this blog post. I feel rather strongly about social media. Most of my views on it are my opinion and are not necessarily the best thing for everyone. I do not want to offend anyone (for once) or to cause any angst where there doesn't have to be any. I say that to say this. Take this blog post with a grain of salt - these are my personal opinions about social media. These opinions apply to me and I by no means think any differently of people who don't hold to my opinions.

Social media is a great thing. There are many plus sides to social media. I would even say that there is generally more good in social media than there is bad. However, social media (like anything else) can be misconstrued and abused. This is obvious, and I think most people will agree. Social media becomes a problem, like anything else, when it is put in a place above ones relationship with God. I have been guilty of this. This is one of the main reasons I have personally had to cut back on some of my social media use. In middle school, I was on Facebook practically every fifteen minuets. I became addicted (I become addicted easily). I had to drastically cut back on the amount of time I allowed myself to spend on social media. Another reason I had to cut back on some social media was the content. For example, I had to delete Vine because I was hard pressed to find any vines without explicit language. Apparently in order to make a six second video funny, it must have some profanity. Not all vines were like this, but it got to the point where there was so much language that I started thinking in profane language and eventually speaking it. Profane language is not necessarily bad in all respects, however, for my family it is something that we do not partake in. Vine was a bad influence on me and I had to stop being engulfed in it. Another social media platform I had to remove from my life was Snapchat. Many of you know my thoughts in regards to Snapchat, so I will not share them here in detail. In short, there were two main reasons for this. One major contributing factor was that it had a terrible user interface and I do not support platforms that are not visually appealing. The other reason was that not much good can come from sending and receiving pictures that you can only see for ten seconds (and I will end my discussion on Snapchat there).

Don't get me wrong, social media is great. It is a fantastic tool in furthering the Kingdom. Social media can and is used to glorify God. However, it is when it no longer glorifies God that something needs to change.

Attempting to Tread Lightly,
Devin Young
I have never been a social media person. While most parents were complaining that their teenagers spent too much time on social media, my mom was complaining that I didn't spend enough. If you were to look at my track record on Instagram, you would see I've only posted two pictures in the last six months- both of them posted in the last week. Facebook is even less- probably about one post in the past year. I don't even have a twitter, and snapchat, kik, and the like are unheard of in my house. I have never fallen prey to the obsession with social media that those girls in the podcast have but I have had other issues with social media that might have just as many detrimental effects.

I get left out of things. A lot. And it's one thing to not be invited to something and never hear it happens. It's another thing not to be invited and find 80 odd pictures about the event on social media. I've had a lot of grief of this sort of thing for a while now and I feel like it is one of the bigger issues with social media that most people over look. Because for ever girl you invite to your birthday party, there's three more you didn't invite and all of them are on social media. All of them see the pictures you post and the fun that you had and those who weren't invited get the glaring reminder that they weren't thought of. It makes them feel lonely, isolated and invisible.  Now obviously, you can't invite all of your Facebook friends to every get together- that's just absurd. But no one needs to know that you and your friends when to the mall, or hiking or whatever and that they weren't invited. So, before you post your next picture on Instagram or Facebook or the like, think about who it will help- and who it might hurt.

but first.... lemme take a selfie

If we look back at ancient civilizations and cultures, we see that even back then people were trying "out do" other people. They did things to try and climb the social the ladder, whether it put others down or not. They looked for acceptance from other people around them.

I think the same general concepts applied to the girls in the podcast: looking for acceptance through social media. The amount of likes they got during a period of time depicted the photo's "worth" (how good it was). Sometimes, the person can interpret the amount of likes to how much they are worth, which is the absolute opposite of what its supposed to be. I don't think social media was brought on to ensure people they are worth something. Social media has shown to be a great thing! It has allowed us to stay in touch with friends and family we don't talk to or see very often. It has been used to raise awareness for good causes and organizations.

Looking back when I was 13/14 and seeing where I am now, I think social media probably wasn't the best thing for me then. It didn't permanently hurt me or cause anything dramatic to happen. I just think that young girls at that age are really, really hungry for attention. They want to feel loved and accepted. I think that personally my fault in this social media deal was that I looked for that love and acceptance in other people, rather then looking for that in my Creator. Whether it was a number of likes or comments, I wanted people to like me. I think that social media can be good or bad; it just depends on the person. All in all, we should always look to our Savior who loves us unconditionally.

Jeremiah 31:3 ".....For I have loved you with an everlasting love..."

Status Update

I love radio, and I'm a big fan of podcasts. One of my favorite radio programs/podcasts is This American Life. Each week the show has a single topic that it approaches from a variety of perspectives. Topics have included automobiles, the financial meltdown, poultry, and summer camp.

Last week's topic was about social status or how we know where we stand. The introduction and first act highlighted teenage girls and the complicated world of Instagram: how fraught social media is and how much anxiety and affirmation it produces.

Listen the first part of the podcast online (or read the transcript if you can't). I'd like to hear what you think. You are all older than the girls on the show, but can you relate to their experiences? Now that you are in the last stages of high school, how do you know where you stand socially? What role do Twitter and Facebook play? My thirteen-year-old son just downloaded an app called Brighten, which is apparently a way to give compliments to your friends. Is social media a net good or ill? Alternately, do you feel your status is unaffected by social media? Feel free to comment on the segment from "This American Life" too.